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Personally, I think that study can be a very wide range. "求學" doesn't only mean that "to study textbooks" or "examinations", but to learn. I can't say that 求學不是求分數, but we cannot only rely on the examination results. For example, a guy got superb 10A and 1st honour in U, and he got into an international corp. Though he cannot get promoted to a higher place, as his atitude and EQ +SQ is not good enough. What I wanna say is that we should always learn things from defferent sectors, to broaden our vision. A man's success doesn't only rely on IQ, but also SQ and EQ.

學 ===>書本 = IQ
學 ===>人生經驗 = EQ +SQ.

成功 = 書本 + 人生經驗 =〕

